Online Counselling
Wherever you are in Australia, you can get the assistance of an experienced online counsellor. Are you stuck at work, a single parent, do you have difficulty getting out of your home, do you live in regional Australia, are you a full-time caregiver, or find it difficult to access counselling services? Online Counselling can be a practical solution for you. Secure and flexible online counselling solutions can be provided over the phone or through Zoom video conferencing. Wherever you are in Australia, you can call on an experienced Sanity Care online consultant.
Phone Counselling
If your preference is to speak to someone by phone, we have a 24 hour phone counselling service. Share your story confidentially with a professional counsellor and psychotherapist who will listen. Please contact us first to complete the intake form and then one of our friendly counsellors will assist you to book in your session.
Online Video Counselling
All you need is a computer connected to the Internet. The online consultation involves an individual conversation with a counsellor through Zoom video conferencing. Your connection must be stable and reliable. Video sessions take between 50- 60 minutes. To access this service please book online.
Make an appointment today for your online or phone counselling session
What you can expect
Once you have completed the contact form or booked online, we will ask you for more information about what you need from us. If you think our Online Counselling can meet your needs, an appointment will be made with you. Before your first session, you will be asked for necessary information about yourself and why you are seeking counselling, which will be kept confidential. You will also be asked to read and sign the terms and conditions and service agreement. Payment is to be made 24 hours before your appointment.
In your first session, your counsellor will invite you to share your concerns and ask you what you hope to achieve from counselling. Using this information, your counsellor will be able to understand your problem and they will develop a plan that meets your personal needs, and give you an estimate of the number of sessions you may need. It is important to provide honest information as it will determine treatment outcomes.
Important Information
Video counselling is not suitable in the following instances:
If you are suicidal or at risk of injury or injuring others (please call 000 or Lifeline 131 131)
If you have a mental condition or suffer from psychosis.
If you are alcoholic or other addicted to other drugs.