
Accommodation and Tenancy

Accommodation and Tenancy

We know how challenging it can be to navigate all the aspects of accommodation, especially for those people affected by disability. As a fully certified and highly experienced NDIS provider, Sanity Care have committed to aiding NDIS participants in whatever part of their world they need. In particular, these services are aimed at assisting those with SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) as part of their plans.

Whether it’s setting up your home space to be more accessible and comfortable, moving into a new place with other participants, finding a private home you can settle into, or just considering your options, we’re here each step of the way to do what’s needed.

Accommodation/Tenancy Support

For those participants looking for assistance and support for any and all things accommodation, we’ve got you covered. While not an exhaustive SDA list by any means, here’s an outline of the main ways we can support you with your accommodation or tenancy needs.

  • Assistance with developing and implementing housing goals

  • Working together to explore housing options, including alternative opportunities

  • Assisting with rental applications, private and public

  • Developing budgeting tools and strategies

  • Improving accessibility/facilities at your current place

  • Liaising with real estate agents, landlords and other tenants to identify and address any areas of focus

  • Day to day assistance with tasks like cooking, cleaning and general chores

Looking for a new place?

You might be moving out of home for the first time, moving to a new area or just looking for a change. Whatever the reason, finding a place that suits you and your needs isn’t just your priority, it’s ours too. When you’re trying to find your new home, there’s quite a few different ways we can assist.

Private rental: From assisting in negotiations and applications with real estate agents and landlords, to setting up a comfortable space, you can focus on the exciting parts of moving into a new place.

House sharing: Finding housemates that you get along with can be challenging at the best of times. We’ll be there to assist in finding a place that has the right people for you in it, whether it’s with non-disabled residents, fellow participants, or both!

Community housing: While most participants enjoy the independence and versatility of being in a smaller place, some prefer community housing. Whether it’s because of their specific needs, or familiarity, we are able to assist with the administrative aspects so you can focus on what you love.

Staying at home

Not everyone is looking for a new place though. For many participants, they’re quite happy just where they are. It might be the family home where you’ve lived your whole life, or a place you own or rent that’s been your own castle for some time now. Sanity Care are here to assist with changes, improvements and new goals you might have.

Individual-Tailored Approach

While there are many care providers who can assist with accommodation, Sanity Care does far more than just provide a service. With a deep and rich history of working within the CALD (Culturally and linguistically diverse) community in our counselling services, we know how important and effective it is to develop individual solutions and services for each and every participant.

With the client at the centre of everything we do, you can get the most out of your SDA and NDIS plan in general. So for any accommodation or tenancy needs with the NDIS, Sanity Care is here to assist in a professional and personal way.

Contact us today to find out how we can support you as you improve your life.