
Grief and Loss Therapy

Grief, Loss and Bereavement Therapy

Grief is the response to the loss of any significant person or thing in our lives. The process of grief follows such losses as death, divorce, broken relationships, financial loss, lost job, an amputation, loss of health, ageing, and abandonment of significant life goals or dreams. It also includes the many indirect losses that affect people.

Grief takes an emotional toll on the bereaved. Yes, the grieving process is quite difficult, but it is necessary for proper recovery from the traumatic event that caused the grief. Having lost loved ones ourselves, we understand how grieving works and can help you through the grieving process.

The five steps of the grief process are

  • Denial

    finding a means to deny the traumatic event occurred, disbelieving that it happened.

  • Anger

    directing your anger towards the situation that caused the grief and not yourself.

  • Bargaining

    offer anything, including self, to regain who or what was lost.

  • Depression

    feeling down-hearted because of the agonising and painful event, possibly to the extent of having suicidal thoughts.

  • Acceptance

    ultimately coming to an acceptance of the situation that brought about the grief.

Contact Sanity Care if you are suffering from a loss and grief and need strategies to help you get through.